Let's Work Together - Events Manager and Coordinator

Let's Work Together - Events Manager and Coordinator

Events Manager and Coordinator


Part time/flexible/freelance.


Must live in London, or be able to travel easily into and out of London.


Please have a look at this JOB DESCRIPTION below for more information about this job, and if it sounds right for you, please email xantherossevents@gmail.com with a bit about yourself, a CV and any other information that you think might be relevant and we will be in touch. 


I have renewed ambition, ideas and capacity but I need some support in order to bring all of this to life.


I am looking for someone to work with me on my events business, which is currently undergoing lots of growth behind the scenes. All of my events focus on food, styling and community, with me as the creative director and cook, and a team of experienced cooks at each event. I work with a variety of brands as clients as well as private catering and my own ticketed supper clubs for my community. 

Initially this will be freelance on event by event, building to a monthly commitment of days pretty quickly; I want to build this role to a salaried role eventually as I start a new business.



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